Tuesday, December 30, 2008

oncology appointment

Well today was the day to find out if we get chemo or not. well we didn't. We are still waiting for a test to come back. Really though, we talked about the options and the MD feels that oral and chemo are the best choices. So whats the next step. We have another appointment next week. i should hear about the test results by next Monday and we can go from there. both Tim and I feel very peaceful about the decision and the outcome. WE have decided we want to grow old together 90+ or so. Shannon feels I should get a bleach blond wig and Tim desires a Red/auburn look. Should be an interesting adventure.
I am feeling much better everyday. The mind is very willing and ready but the body is very slow in following and not very willing. Tim is still off this week and being the taxi cab driver for the wrestling boys. DID we ever have sports practices over Christmas break? I can't remember that long ago. hee hee. I hope you all have a wonderful and joyful New Year. May 2009 be even better then last year.
Love to you all
Lisa and Tim

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

Only 3 more days until Christmas and we can't wait to celebrate our Savior's birth. Without Jesus we have no hope. I have hope(most days). I have my oncology appointment on Jan 30th. Tim is going to go with me and we will have a plan. Sometimes that is really all I need, just a plan. It does seem to make it easier to handle. We are all doing well and trying to stay warm. Know How much I appreciate all you have done for us and provided for us. We have been eating so well and enjoying the visits from friends and family. You really don't know how much that means to us all. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and celebrate with style.
We love you all
Lisa, Tim, Sean, Matthew, Shannon

Friday, December 19, 2008

MD appointments

well, Had a good appointment with Dr. Shaughnessy(breast surgeon) and she thinks everything looks great. Yes, they found the tumor to be bigger and more spots....so whats the treatment plan. All cancer has been removed but they are still considering chemo. Something we thought we were going to miss out on. Well maybe not. I have to meet with the oncologist first and we will decide the best treatment plan. I have/had given this up and realized the worst is over. The cancer is gone. I am a survivor. Its just another blip in the road. If children can do chemo so can I as one friend said. God is continuing to pull on my heart. Please pray for me as I am struggling with all of this. each day is better then the last. I am feeling better, healing fast, and doing more each day. Please pray for Tim and the kids as we have something new to figure out. Shannon has really struggled with all of this surgery business and mom not being 100%. Its amazing how it all comes out. I am so looking forward to the next two weeks with the kids and Tim being off. I am desiring for life to be "normal" and for us to celebrate the meaning of Christmas and enjoy life and family and friends. I hope you are able to do the same. Its amazing when you have to stop and put things in perspective sometimes. Well off to do some Christmas shopping today with my mother. stop by for cookies and bakilava(sp). Nana has been busy.
Love to you all

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

on the road to healing

Hello Everyone,

Nana is here and helping me out with lots of love. She is wonderful to have here and such a blessing to everyone. She has gotten to attend Shannon's band/chorus concert, celebrate Shannon's 11th birthday, Matt's band concert on Thursday hopefully. Sean's was cancelled due to weather. These are all firsts for us all and wonderful to have her here. I am healing fast. not as fast as I would like but everyday is better. Went to the Dr.'s today and he removed the last drain and I got a good check up. He is pleased with what he saw and my mom wants to come to all of the other appointments with me because Dr. Taylor is very cute and his bed side manner makes him even appealing. Yes, Tim has met him!!!
I have my breast surgery appointment Thursday morning. Mom is going to take me. We will find out the actual treatment plan and make the oncology appointment. Will let you know the outcome.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything from you all. The flowers, PJ's and robe to the calls and cards. They mean so much to me. The kids and Tim are eating great and love coming home from work/school with a yummy dinner each night. I can't imagine going through this without the support and love of you all.

Friday, December 12, 2008

One week

Hello Everyone,

Well, to put it mildly, it's been one heck of a week. Today is one week since the surgery. Lis is making progress, a little at a time. We went to the reconstruction doctor on Wednesday and he removed 3 of the 4 drains from her. She still has one drain in her stomach, due to come out next week. She has also switched from Percoset to Vicodin due to the shakes her body was experiencing on Percoset. She had a shower the other night and said it was the best one ever. She had to sit in order to enjoy it, but said it felt great. She's also been eating crackers and a half sandwich from time to time.

There have been times in the past several weeks when she's asked why this has happened and is she doing the right thing with a full mastectomy. We've prayed and asked God for his guidance and peace through all of this. Well, yesterday she received a phone call from her breast surgeon doctor. The results of the pathology report came back from the double mastectomy. The right breast was clear, as expected. However, in addition to the cancerous tumor that we knew about the report also discovered four more pre cancerous tumors in the left breast. So much for a lumpectomy. We both thank God for his guidance and your prayers for the confidence we felt by choosing a double mastectomy.

This may change things a bit regarding treatment. Her doctor and several oncologists will discuss whether they feel she will need chemotherapy. She will find out next Thursday if she needs this treatment.

We ask for your continued prayers. I've noticed her attitude has improved and she continues to find strength in God, family, and friends.

Thank you,


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Home from the Hospital

Hi Everyone,

Good news is that Lisa's home!!! She came home last night and got some rest in her own bed along with one dog, three kids, and one tired dad! She's happy to be home and be with family. She still has four drains attached to her until December 17th. The reason is fluids continue to drain from both breasts and both sides of the incision below her belly. She's also very uncomfortable from the reconstruction surgery. Therefore Percoset and bed rest for the next several weeks. She says hello to everyone and appreciates all the prayers and meals! She will call and say hello as she begins to feel better. I'm now understanding the pain she is in from the reconstruction surgery. The body experiences great trauma when you cut and dig muscle and body tissue. Her posture is hunched over whether in bed or standing. It will take her body several weeks to heal and adjust to where she feels comfortable in an upright position again.
Overall though, she's home (Praise God!) and getting cared for by Grandma Kennedy and then Nana Lapierre.

Thanks Everyone!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Through the weekend

Hello everyone,

Lisa's surgery went well. Both surgeons were pleased with the results. I had ashort visit with her on Saturday and another on Sunday with the kids included. She liked that very much! She's in good spirits, howover, the pain is kicking in from surgery. She called me late last night with tears in her voice. The nurse gave her some additional meds for pain. We're both greatful that the cancer is gone and now the healing process begins. We also appreciate the prayers and encouragement of everyone. We ask for prayer as she transitions from the hosptial to home in a day or two. The pain is in her back, stomach, and ribs. The reconstruction process involved breaking one rib on both sides of the chest wall to access blood vessels for the new tissue in her breasts. She also has a 10" incision below her belly button from the reconstruction surgery. Needless to say, her body hurts! So it will be a day by day process of healing over time. I thank God that the bad stuff's gone and all went well.

Thanks Everybody,


Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7th update - Lisa's doing well

I spoke to Tim last night, and Lisa continues to do well. She is now through the critical first 24 hours. Lisa is feeling less nausea, but also a bit more uncomfortable. She has a pain pump, and the medication makes her sleepy. Lisa is still in the ICU, as expected. Tim reports that Lisa is in good spirits, and that's great news! I expect to post another update later today.

Super Size My Faith!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Surgery is successful and over!

I received a call from Tim last night, and Lisa's surgery went well and she is recovering. I believe the plans are that she will be in the ICU this weekend, which probably means no visitors outside of her immediate family. I will update the site again as soon as I have more information.

Please keep praying for Lisa to have a swift and easy recovery, and for her family to be confident that God will take care of them.

Super Size My Faith!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ready for the big day

I'm a friend of Tim and Lisa's. Having recently learned how to blog - my contribution to Lisa's healing is going to be helping the Kennedy's keep us all up to speed on how Lisa's doing, and what we need to be praying for.

Over time, I'll be posting updates, prayer requests, and perhaps even some photos. Please be in prayer tonight and tommorow for Lisa's surgery and a quick recovery. I'll post again as soon as I have some information from Tim on how the day went.

Below is Lisa's latest update, if you haven't already read it.

OK, it has began and I can't continue to pretend that is isn't really
> happening. We are all ready for surgery on Friday and we are ready as we can be. Thank you for all of your encouraging e-mails and thoughts I am so grateful. We all are. It has been hard this week I think only because I really have had to admit the diagnosis. I still don’t like saying it. Really, I have enjoyed living in my pretend world. Imagine that. hee hee I am truly blessed and grateful for the way things have worked out. Tim's mother is coming the first week, my mother is coming the second week and Tim will be home for 2 weeks over Christmas. God is so good. I am also very grateful for not having to have chemo. you talk about a blessing. I am praying for you Kathy!!
> Tim has been my point man and has been wonderful. He can't take this away but he can organize meals. People have asked and he's the man. 484-2315. I think he just wants to eat and realized mac and cheese for a awhile doesn't sound very good.
> I have been very humbled through this experience and I really can't explain it on paper(email). God has been so wonderful. We had thanksgiving with Tim's brother and wife and her parents prayed with me out of the blue, some one did my hair for free, families taking kids where ever they needed to go at a moments notice.. thank you everyone. its hard to receive but I am so thankful.
> Speaking of thankful, Michelle my sister, had her lumpectomy and all her boarders came back clean and she does not have to have further treatment. The final diagnosis was atypical ductul hyperplasia( pre cancer). she will see and oncologist and follow up from there. God is faithful. She is in fact returning from China tomorrow. they have a had a wonderful trip.
> I hope this find all of you full and content. Off to Lowe's with my dad to build shelves in Shannon's room today. Please know how much I appreciate all of you. you are wonderful.
> lots of love
> Lisa

Super Size My Faith!!

In Him,
